Saturday, February 28, 2009

Get to gettin'...

I'm a bad blogger... I guess that is a good realization to make now, though.   We watched 'Super-High Me' the other night.  It's (obviously) a similar concept to super-size me, but with pot.  The comedian, Doug Benson, gives up his smokin' ways for a month only to prepare for an all-out smoke binge in the month following that.  It's a pretty stoner-ific idea... "I'm gonna see what happens if I smoke for a month...and make a movie...and people will watch it!!!" And he was right...Anyway, it's not quite serious enough to be a true documentary, but all-in-all he makes a pretty good case for stoners.  He does provide some insight into medical dispensaries, however...(he is in California (where else?!) which I thought was interesting

On the note of stoner-comedians, we ran into Mike Epps (Next Friday etc...) at the Lawrenceville GetGo at like 3am last Friday.  He was asking the worker-ladies to heat up his chicken wings.  I don't think he's from around here, so it was a pretty exciting encounter.

On the note of California...3 days and counting!

On the note of 

Monday, February 16, 2009


Again, I have very little to talk about but really want to keep up on this.  I'm pretty excited to watch episode 4? of Flight of the Conchords tonight, even though I thought last week's episode wasn't as spectacular as the others (though still VERY good!).  

I've been wasting some time on this's pretty good for that.  For those who haven't used it, it's sort of like the 'Pandora' of websites...picks what it thinks you will like based on past preferences.  I had to re-download Mozilla to use it though, since the required toolbar won't work on Safari.  

Sunday, February 8, 2009


I'm posting so I can cross 'blog' off of my to-do list for the week.  I don't have much to talk about, though, because I can't seem to make it through a movie without falling asleep.  Well, I guess I did make it all the way through the original 'National Lampoons' last week.  It got a few laughs out of me, esp "I think you're all f**ed in the head!"

I watched the first half of both Milk and Wall-E before dozing off.  Both of them were amazing, from what I saw, but I guess i'll talk about them more when I actually finish watching them.

Post 11...12 more to go?