Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Haha I can't count

What a moron...wondering why I got a 9.5 on the grade I look at my blog and whaddya know?!  I only made 27 entries.  Oh well, at least its done!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Crappy ending...

I just finished watching the movie 'Freedom Writers' for an educational psychology class I'm taking.  I wish I had a better review to end this blog with, but sadly, this seems to be it.  Unless you're way into teachers or cheesy movies, don't waste your time with this one.  Teacher Hilary Swank (vomit) walks into a class filled with gangsters on her first day of teaching, gains their respect, saves the world...etc.  Very predictable (although it says its a true story).  I think the only song on this movie's soundtrack was Montell Jordan's 'This is how we do it'...to which Swank gets down with her class...at which I sort of puked in my mouth a little.

So I guess that's it...I know how the world of blogs works now.  Still can't say I'll ever do this again, but the exercise has actually made me more interested in reading other peoples' blogs as a source of info or humor.  I've found some good ones out there that I may not have considered prior to this exercise.   

 That's all!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Two more...for real

Second to last post!  I have NOTHING to say.  I'm tired, there's no milk for my coffee...crabby crabby crabby.  We're watching Its always Sunny in Philadelphia.  Good stuff, but not enough to make my mood better.  :(  I want this semester to end.  

Friday, April 17, 2009

Wicked butt burn

I spent all day yesterday landscaping and now have a horrible strip of sunburn right above my butt.  I guess my shirt was riding up and my pants were falling down...and being bent over working all day super-exposed my poor butt to the Spring rays.  It's sort of hilarious but it also really hurts.  It does give me an excuse to watch movies in my underwear all day!  

Thursday, April 16, 2009


My boyfriend apparently downloaded a million episodes of his favorite childhood cartoon, 'Robotech.'  Oh I just can't wait... :/

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

City of God...again

This is truly a great movie...I don't think there's much that can top it. That said, even though I've seen it a handful of times now, it always sort of messes with my head for a few days afterward. We watched it last night and I keep visualizing the scene where the two runts are cornered and the little one is crying his eyes out ("do you want it in the foot or the hand?"). It gives me chills...

On another note, I snagged a leather ottoman from my mom's on Easter... 5 hours alone with it and Zoe (the cat) had it ruined. Stupid cats...she's gone in T minus 15 days and counting! (back to Kevin's parents) Woohoo!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Event Horizon

I generally trust Kevin to pick good movies and make similarly good recommendations, but every once in a while his taste surprises me.  He insisted that the Sci Fi movie 'Event Horizon' was a must see and, although it wasn't bad, I really didn't see what sets it apart from other hyped-up action-adventure films.  Granted, I did fall asleep for a few minutes in the middle of the flick, but I can't imagine I missed much.  Basically, a bunch of astronauts set out to rescue a space shuttle that had disappeared some years back.  Here, it managed to fold the universe in two and make its way onto the other side of the time-space continuum...which happened to be hell.  Not bad for an action flick, but I can't see what makes him like it so much... although, Kevin also watches Celebrity Apprentice...hahahahahahah!  Good thing no one reads this...the secret's out!  Maybe I'll disclose more secrets in these next few blogs!

Monday, April 13, 2009

I thought 24 was the magic number

I realized tonight that I was mistaken...I need to have 28 posts!  I do have a 
new movie to talk about for this one, but I don't know what I'll have to say for myself in the lat 7 posts!  Saw 'Thank You for Smoking' this weekend.  It follows the life of a lobbyist for Big Tobacco who is just 'paying his mortgage.'  There are a few good spins on spin in the  movie that I'd imagine aren't too far from how the how that whole realm of society actually functions.  When the movie ended, I thought, "eh, good flick" but after thinking about it for a few days I think I liked it more than I realized.  

I almost ended up paying for the silly DVD today because the Netflix envelope and our electric bill payment blew off of the little hook under our mailbox.  We've lived here for 6 months now and I still don't understand the mail.  If I put something in the box, the mailman doesn't take it because there is no flag to put up.  I usually end up making a big obnoxious sticky note telling them to take our mail, but Kevin insists that they will take it if it is on the hooks.  I refuse to put the mail there because I think it'll blow away (which it did) but he took the mail down today so it was out of my hands.  So, I definitely win our little 'where does the mail go?' battle, but we still need to figure out how these goofy mailboxes are supposed to work!  Am I missing something?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

2 more?

3 more to go...what to say???  I still haven't found my inner blogger but I have gotten in the habit of making little mental notes on the lines of "oh, that's something I could blog about."  I usually forget these mental notes, but the fact that they run through my mind means that I have met my objective...at the beginning of the  blog I hoped to become more conscious of how I waste my time and I guess, in a way, I am.  

No time for movies lately.  I watched the ER finale (I used to be a big fan) and it stunk.  I put PS I love you on our NetFlix que forever ago because I didnt really know what it was...I think I overheard someone talking about it and just stuck it on there.  Kevin didnt really know what it was either so we looked at some reviews that were SO bad that we didn't bother.

I spent Saturday morning before work glued to the local news on the Stanton Heights psychopath because I live like 3 blocks away from the disaster area.  It's amazing how we are so naturally drawn to really f**ked up things....all I wanted to talk about that day was what was going through that kid's head.  I guess it's just human nature to be nosy...