Monday, April 13, 2009

I thought 24 was the magic number

I realized tonight that I was mistaken...I need to have 28 posts!  I do have a 
new movie to talk about for this one, but I don't know what I'll have to say for myself in the lat 7 posts!  Saw 'Thank You for Smoking' this weekend.  It follows the life of a lobbyist for Big Tobacco who is just 'paying his mortgage.'  There are a few good spins on spin in the  movie that I'd imagine aren't too far from how the how that whole realm of society actually functions.  When the movie ended, I thought, "eh, good flick" but after thinking about it for a few days I think I liked it more than I realized.  

I almost ended up paying for the silly DVD today because the Netflix envelope and our electric bill payment blew off of the little hook under our mailbox.  We've lived here for 6 months now and I still don't understand the mail.  If I put something in the box, the mailman doesn't take it because there is no flag to put up.  I usually end up making a big obnoxious sticky note telling them to take our mail, but Kevin insists that they will take it if it is on the hooks.  I refuse to put the mail there because I think it'll blow away (which it did) but he took the mail down today so it was out of my hands.  So, I definitely win our little 'where does the mail go?' battle, but we still need to figure out how these goofy mailboxes are supposed to work!  Am I missing something?

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