Monday, March 30, 2009


Thank goodness this semester is almost over!  This past FT weekend kicked my butt but it's all smooth sailing from here...

Back to the movie thing, which was supposed to be this blog's topic... I saw Let the Right One In on Saturday and it definitely gets my seal of approval.  I've always loved a good scary movie but good ones are few and far between anymore.  This Swedish vampire film had a great storyline (based on a novel), amazing cinematography and even better acting.  Subtle tricks of the camera made it so much more tasteful than American - let me throw it in your face 100 times so you definitely notice how much money we spent - movies.  

We finally bought Watchmen (the graphic novel) to read it through before seeing the movie.  About 1/2 way through...i get more excited for the movie with each page...

Friday, March 20, 2009

I'm a landscaper!

So we made it out of Animal Friends sans pet.  We actually sort of ducked out of the place because a pitt bull fight broke out while we were there - people were yelling, blood was flying, yuck!  People REALLY need to quit breeding those dogs...yes, they can be good pets, but anything with that kind of temper is a ticking time bomb.  There was a pug there who apparently couldn't be house looked so out of place that I couldn't quit giggling.  

Anyway, it's good we didn't get a pet because along with 2 internships, 5 classes and a lazy boyfriend I started another job last week.  So far I absolutely LOVE it!  A 2:00 am buzzed up craigslist search last friday led me to an organic landscaping company...a few emails were exchanged and I am now a landscaper!  I've been busting my ass but it's so great to be outside and I really like who I'm working with....funny how life seems to work out for me.  I feel lucky, but I think i've had enough hard times to deserve a bit of good karma.  Anyway, if you'd like a lovely, safe yard for your family... It's Only Natural Landscaping is where it's at!  Check out their facebook app. or ask me and I'll tell ya all about it!  (not that anyone reads this...except Professor and apparently Patrick too...yeah shout outs!)

Friday, March 13, 2009

Well for some reason that one worked just fine... same size .jpeg and everything! Hmmm...
Anyway, this was by far one of the cutest things I've ever seen.  Some street dude in San Fran. just walked around with his three pets who would assume this adorable position every time he stopped...Yes, that's a RAT on a CAT on a DOG.  On that note, Kevin and I are going to Animal Friends tonight...we are NOT bringing anything home, just looking!  But then again, I think I've said that once before and wound up coming home with two cats...  No, really, pets just yet.


Home sweet home, unfortunately.  I think the Chinatown kumquats gave me food poisoning b/c I was a MESS Wednesday...all better now, though.  The cat is sure happy to have us home...she hasn't shut up since we walked in the door.  Siamese are usually pretty 'chatty', but she is over the top!  Here's a picture of the City Lights bookstore...if it'll actually upload this time...why does uploading take forever,  but only sometimes???

Nevermind on that has been 40 minutes and it's still 'uploading'...probably b/c my computer is a turd

Monday, March 9, 2009


I've literally walked about 25 miles in the last few days!  Chinatown is what I thought it'd be...lots of random junk for sale and people everywhere!  Got to visit City Lights Bookstore and the commercialized 'Beat museum,' while in that area.  I spent the day after the Chinatown trip walking through the Lombard St. area to Fisherman's wharf (where I ate a crab and drank a few Anchor Steams).  After the beers, I thought it'd be a good idea to walk to the Golden Gate bridge.  I didn't see the big section of my map telling me that a half of it wasn't drawn to scale so I walked and walked and walked to get there...and then walked some more to get back.  Probably at least a 15 mile day!  Somehow we lucked out and have a hot-tub in our hotel room so I'm not completely crippled from all this walking... 

Yesterday I made the trek to Haight-Ashbury... on the way I stopped at a farmers market where I ate the best asian pear I've ever had! I really can't quit talking about this fruit... I also filled my pockets with kumquats (sp?) for the journey.  Anyway, I'm going to go find more fruit to take home (am I allowed to do that?)  More later...

Thursday, March 5, 2009

San Francisco

What a lovely city, I don't think I'm coming home...
It was nice to take the IT midterm and then take off...thanks for not making it too difficult (yea, i'm talking to you, Professor, since I'm sure you're the only one who reads this!)  I'm about to set off on my first big adventure so I'll definitely have something to talk about when I get back.

On the plane we watched 'The Outsiders' which I really liked, I even shed a tear at the end...can't believe I hadn't seen it before!  Boys' coming of age movie with camaraderie and a super-sad ending, highly recommended.  I just had to look up how to spell camaraderie (who would've guessed that extra 'a'?).  I guess somehow US Air got the contract for our flight at the last minute and can you believe that they no longer give you POWER on a flight?!  Yes, not only did they yank out the movie and radio system, but they probably spent even more money disconnecting the power supplies from the armrests on the seats!  Doesn't a plane generate power anyway?  We also were delayed for an hour once we were already boarded so by the time we were in the air we had pretty much drained the battery in both of our computers.  Needless to say it was a long, crappy flight...

Ok, to Chinatown and the City Lights bookstore...we'll see how this goes...!