Friday, March 20, 2009

I'm a landscaper!

So we made it out of Animal Friends sans pet.  We actually sort of ducked out of the place because a pitt bull fight broke out while we were there - people were yelling, blood was flying, yuck!  People REALLY need to quit breeding those dogs...yes, they can be good pets, but anything with that kind of temper is a ticking time bomb.  There was a pug there who apparently couldn't be house looked so out of place that I couldn't quit giggling.  

Anyway, it's good we didn't get a pet because along with 2 internships, 5 classes and a lazy boyfriend I started another job last week.  So far I absolutely LOVE it!  A 2:00 am buzzed up craigslist search last friday led me to an organic landscaping company...a few emails were exchanged and I am now a landscaper!  I've been busting my ass but it's so great to be outside and I really like who I'm working with....funny how life seems to work out for me.  I feel lucky, but I think i've had enough hard times to deserve a bit of good karma.  Anyway, if you'd like a lovely, safe yard for your family... It's Only Natural Landscaping is where it's at!  Check out their facebook app. or ask me and I'll tell ya all about it!  (not that anyone reads this...except Professor and apparently Patrick too...yeah shout outs!)

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