Thursday, March 5, 2009

San Francisco

What a lovely city, I don't think I'm coming home...
It was nice to take the IT midterm and then take off...thanks for not making it too difficult (yea, i'm talking to you, Professor, since I'm sure you're the only one who reads this!)  I'm about to set off on my first big adventure so I'll definitely have something to talk about when I get back.

On the plane we watched 'The Outsiders' which I really liked, I even shed a tear at the end...can't believe I hadn't seen it before!  Boys' coming of age movie with camaraderie and a super-sad ending, highly recommended.  I just had to look up how to spell camaraderie (who would've guessed that extra 'a'?).  I guess somehow US Air got the contract for our flight at the last minute and can you believe that they no longer give you POWER on a flight?!  Yes, not only did they yank out the movie and radio system, but they probably spent even more money disconnecting the power supplies from the armrests on the seats!  Doesn't a plane generate power anyway?  We also were delayed for an hour once we were already boarded so by the time we were in the air we had pretty much drained the battery in both of our computers.  Needless to say it was a long, crappy flight...

Ok, to Chinatown and the City Lights bookstore...we'll see how this goes...!

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