Monday, March 30, 2009


Thank goodness this semester is almost over!  This past FT weekend kicked my butt but it's all smooth sailing from here...

Back to the movie thing, which was supposed to be this blog's topic... I saw Let the Right One In on Saturday and it definitely gets my seal of approval.  I've always loved a good scary movie but good ones are few and far between anymore.  This Swedish vampire film had a great storyline (based on a novel), amazing cinematography and even better acting.  Subtle tricks of the camera made it so much more tasteful than American - let me throw it in your face 100 times so you definitely notice how much money we spent - movies.  

We finally bought Watchmen (the graphic novel) to read it through before seeing the movie.  About 1/2 way through...i get more excited for the movie with each page...

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