Monday, March 9, 2009


I've literally walked about 25 miles in the last few days!  Chinatown is what I thought it'd be...lots of random junk for sale and people everywhere!  Got to visit City Lights Bookstore and the commercialized 'Beat museum,' while in that area.  I spent the day after the Chinatown trip walking through the Lombard St. area to Fisherman's wharf (where I ate a crab and drank a few Anchor Steams).  After the beers, I thought it'd be a good idea to walk to the Golden Gate bridge.  I didn't see the big section of my map telling me that a half of it wasn't drawn to scale so I walked and walked and walked to get there...and then walked some more to get back.  Probably at least a 15 mile day!  Somehow we lucked out and have a hot-tub in our hotel room so I'm not completely crippled from all this walking... 

Yesterday I made the trek to Haight-Ashbury... on the way I stopped at a farmers market where I ate the best asian pear I've ever had! I really can't quit talking about this fruit... I also filled my pockets with kumquats (sp?) for the journey.  Anyway, I'm going to go find more fruit to take home (am I allowed to do that?)  More later...

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