Thursday, January 29, 2009


So I first want to give a shout out to the Professor- Please don't think my complaints about having to blog are personal!  I'm going to try to learn from this - see ---I figured out how to post a picture-(though it was pretty simple)  I just find myself with very little to say to a blank space...but I guess since you are reading these, I'll try to get more creative!

Anywhoo...I figured I'd post my creation of the week.  I actually thought about making a domo birthday cake on my own and then found that there have been numerous people who beat me to the idea.  Ah well!  

Not much media to speak of this week - though I did see the first two episodes of this season's Flight of the Conchords - A+++ !  Genius!  See it!    

Sunday, January 25, 2009

2 more

Oh...I meant to add two other reviews earlier this week as I'm really trying to hit my quota so this blogging crap can end (this has become a blog of crappy movie reviews, if you haven't noticed) 

Y tu Mama Tambien (2001?) was excellent.  Two boys exploring adolescence on a road trip with an older woman.  A lot of debauchery added to how very real this film was.  This would have never left the ground in America (I just imagine loads of rioting PTA moms who think that there is NO place for this smut etc.)  As you find out in the end, the woman's unfortunate fate makes her actions throughout the movie retrospectively reasonable.  I though it was a fitting end, but it oddly kept making me think back to watching Happy Go Lucky.  Can't a woman just be a little crazy?  I'm not making sense...

Also this week I finally saw The Big's a Kevin favorite and I don't think he would have let me go much longer without seeing it.  I loved the stranger cowboy and I'm happy I can now appreciate ALL of the references that i hear ALL OF THE TIME!  Kevin's bday is tomorrow and we're about to open presents...I got him some fantastic Russian vodka and a bottle of Kahlua...we're gonna be Dudes tonight :)

Benjamin Button

Speaking to the title of this blog...I wasted 3 hours this morning watching The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.  It is what it is, as was often repeated in the movie, and what it is is: a drawn out Forrest Gump-ey type tale.  The beginning is cute, Benjamin is this weird looking little old-man-child and he's trying to get a grasp on the meaning of his life.  The movie remains cute through Benjamin's adolescence and then it starts to really drag.  The idea is that he is getting physically younger throughout life, but when he literally turns into a child my last drop of appreciation for the movie was lost.  Growing all the way into infancy is just too unbelievable...the movie should have ended after the India scenes, in my opinion.  

In the beginning I was reminded of Youtube videos of Harlequin babies...I think I will watch them again although they are very disturbing.  Check it out but don't say I didn't warn you.  

To add to my irratability this morning, I got an email 'regretting to inform me' that I didn't get Phish tickets for the Btown show.  What the hell, guys?  Does an address RIGHT NEXT TO THE VENUE mean nothing?  

Monday, January 19, 2009

Another lazy Sunday

The first 2 1/2 hours of my Sunday were spent watching Gomorra, which I'm glad I saw but my review is not as enthusiastic as I had anticipated.  It was a great film, but I generally don't enjoy plots that are all about men and power.  Maybe it's because I'm a girl, although I know of girls that totally dig this stuff, or maybe my schema just isn't deep enough for my interest to really be piqued.  Kevin didn't really understand my apathy either...who knows, maybe I just have bad taste?  

Anyway, we spent a few hours fighting the never-ending battle against cat hair and by the time that was over we were too beat to go anywhere to watch the game.  So, I cheered the Steelers to victory in the comfort of my living room.  Woooo Super Bowl!!   Woooo 4 bottles of wine!  Woooo Ibproufin! 

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Happy go Lucky

Watched 'Happy Go Lucky' last night...the acting was amazing!  Overall, it was a great film but I think that Kev & I were both ready for it to end...the quirky British thing can get overwhelming at times.  I would absolutely recommend it to a friend, though.  

I'm reading a lot of teen books for my YA class so I'm not going to go into details for each one...if I come across something notable, I'll mention it!  This may turn out to be more of a movie review blog than anything else though...  

On a musical note, though, I almost forgot to enter the Phish lotto for summer tour tix...I'm not the fan I once was, but a Btown show is not to be missed!  


I fell asleep towards the end, but all in all this was an amusing documentary. I appreciate Bill Maher but think that his outspokenness actually hurts his cause sometimes. He gets a little raunchy and degrading and sometimes it makes it hard to respect what he's saying...I think he'd be a dickhead in person too.

Monday, January 12, 2009

slumdog millionaire

Watched Slumdog Millionaire last night...EXCELLENT!  I'm glad that it gave a glimpse of the f*c*ed up begging situation in India.  It's hard to look a disfigured child in the eyes and tell them 'no', but maybe after seeing this movie more people will realize that their 'good deeds' are only perpetuating the problem.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Thanks to Kristin for the link to the Twilight a blog something you can have private conversations in (like Facebook?) or is every conversation posted?  Hmm...guess that's something I should learn.  Anyway, I don't think we're going to be grilled on Twilight details for the class, but I think that it was simply assigned to familiarize us with what teens are into these days.  I actually was really disappointed by the book...I thought there would be some scandal, or at least a deeper story line.  The book's popularity, in my opinion, must have been caused solely by hype.  My 12 year old cousin, Madeline, told me what happened in the last 3 took all of 5 minutes and I could have predicted most of it.

Anyway, my media experience this weekend was much more positive.  Comedian Louie CK is a funny dude...his act had me actually laughing out loud last night, which is a response that is rare for me.  I don't follow comedy much, but next to Mitch Hedberg he may be my new favorite.  I tried to post a link, and I'm curious to see how it shows up on this...

Thursday, January 8, 2009

what is the point of this, again?

I have kept a journal for as long as I can remember, and absolutely cringe at the thought of someone reading it. It has nothing to do with any 'dirt' that may be disclosed in its pages, but simply that keeping a journal is one of the few things I do for MYSELF and I would like to keep it that way. That is what bothers me so much about blogs...who am I writing this to? do I want people to read it? if so, that will probably change much of how it is structured...readable english, fun pictures, interesting info etc. But then why wouldn't I just make a webpage? The truth is that I don't really want anyone to look at this...nor do I like the idea of having my presence out there on the megawebernet... Ah well, though, the things we must do in the name of education.

I'm working at the reference desk right now, so technically not wasting any time. When I get home this evening I plan to waste my time doing the following:

1. Finish 'Twilight' - I didn't think I'd enjoy it, and I was right! Again, a class requirement...but, just think of how many potential new friends I will have thanks to my ability to make small talk about teenage vampires!
2. Finish watching Weeds Season 3, disc 2- My girly side will benefit from Mary Louise Parker. She's hot and dresses really great so when I watch the show I'm that much more inspired to actually brush my hair and care about my outfit.

here we go...

I have been racking my brain for a 'topic' for this blog (a course assignment). I do a lot of varied stuff and have a lot of random interests but nothing seemed to be enough to structure a blog around. So, along with some inevitable tangents that will probably sneak in, I am going to use this as a space to sort of review the things that I waste my time on each week. Have you ever had a boss ask you to write down what you have accomplished on the job every half hour? It's really annoying and sort of rude, but the results are really interesting.

I figure that if I am constantly keeping a mental tab on how whatever I'm doing is beneficial to me, then I will naturally waste my time in more productive ways. Right? Yeah, maybe not...

Anyway, I predict that there will be a lot of book/movie/music reviews to come. Other things that I catch myself wasting time on are: playing the keyboard, screwing with the cat, and rearranging furniture.