Sunday, January 11, 2009


Thanks to Kristin for the link to the Twilight a blog something you can have private conversations in (like Facebook?) or is every conversation posted?  Hmm...guess that's something I should learn.  Anyway, I don't think we're going to be grilled on Twilight details for the class, but I think that it was simply assigned to familiarize us with what teens are into these days.  I actually was really disappointed by the book...I thought there would be some scandal, or at least a deeper story line.  The book's popularity, in my opinion, must have been caused solely by hype.  My 12 year old cousin, Madeline, told me what happened in the last 3 took all of 5 minutes and I could have predicted most of it.

Anyway, my media experience this weekend was much more positive.  Comedian Louie CK is a funny dude...his act had me actually laughing out loud last night, which is a response that is rare for me.  I don't follow comedy much, but next to Mitch Hedberg he may be my new favorite.  I tried to post a link, and I'm curious to see how it shows up on this...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I totally agree on the "Twilight" thing. I really dont like it. Edward is controlling and Bella is whiny and pathetic and the plot was annoying and forced.
